230224 Petzbe Bokslutskommuniké för 2022
Claes Holmberg
Emotra AB (publ) Delårsrapport 1 januari – 30 september 2022
221125 Delårsrapport juli - sept 2022
Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Emotra AB (publ)
Vid extra bolagsstämma i EMOTRA AB (publ... Emotra AB_Kommuniké - extra bolagsstämma 221125
Emotra AB offentliggör utnyttjandekursen för teckningsoptioner av serie TO 3
220930 - Emotra- PM - utnyttjandekurs TO3 fastställd
Emotra AB (publ) announces that the company’s CFO, Daniel Rudeklint, has been appointed acting President
220502 - Emotra - PR - Emotra's CFO appointed acting President
Emotra AB (publ) Interim report 1 January – 31 March 2022
The Board and CEO of Emotra AB hereby present the interim report.... 220523 Interim report Jan-Mar 2022
Communiqué from the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in Emotra AB (publ)
At the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in EMOTRA AB... 220427 - Emotra - PR - Communiqué Extraordinary shareholder meeting
Emotra AB (publ) releases an updated financial calendar for 2022 and February 2023
Emotra AB (“Emotra” or “the Company”) hereby notify the market that they have updated... 220408 - Emotra - PR - Updated financial calendar 2022
Shares in Emotra AB (publ) will be listed on Mangoldlistan
Emotra AB (“Emotra” or “the Company”) announces that we have reached an agreement with Mangold... 220316 - Emotra - PR - Trading during the period until official listing
Daniel Poté to step down as president of Emotra AB
Daniel will be leaving the company this spring and the process of recruiting a new president will be initiated. 220311 - Emotra - PR - President has notified he will be stepping down